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Calculation of the strength of precision gears

source:This site    Hangzhou ZHPT Gear Co., Ltd.     release time:2019-12-26 14:50:10    Pageviews:978

  Calculation of the strength of precision gears

  Precision gears are an important part of the machine. Everyone should also be familiar with precision gears, because they appear more frequently in people's lives and industries.In the process of using precision gears, due to the wear and tear of the transmission, and the types of precision gears required by different types of machines are also different, it is an indispensable thing to calculate the strength of precision gears.The calculation of the strength of precision gears needs to rely on calculation formulas and some calculation tools.Next, I will introduce to youPrecision gearYou can learn how to calculate the intensity.


Calculation of the strength of precision gears

  1. For small precision gears, the Hertz stress formula can be used to calculate the strength, which is based on the larger surface compression of the tooth surface contact area.

  2. For precision gears with large modulus and large diameter, using the Hertz formula to calculate the compressive stress intensity of the tooth surface cannot truly reflect the actual force on the precision gear.

  3. As the modulus increases, the tooth height and the contact radius of the precision gear increase at that time, and the dangerous point of stress is no longer on the surface layer of the hardened layer of the precision gear, but at a certain depth inside.For example: the large precision gear of the precision gearbox with center distance A=1000 (mm) and I=3, the stress distribution below the tooth surface and the calculation of the strength of the stress danger, the "three-dimensional stress theory" is proposed: The combined stress action composed of three-dimensional single stresses is applied to the main extension hypothesis to obtain the stress distribution curve of the tooth section including the tooth surface stress.It can accurately reflect the stress state of the tooth surface meshing.

  In view of the size of precision gears, the strength calculation methods of precision gears are also different. Different strength calculation methods are used to make the calculation results of precision gear strength more accurate and closer to the actual force.Precision gear typeThere are a lot of them. If you want to buy, you need to refer to the machine you are using and buy the appropriate precision gear, so that the precision gear and the machine can work well together, so that the two can give full play to their effects.If you want to buy precision gears, you can consider our home.

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